Interview with Lynn Hardy, Author of Prophecy of the Flame

 Led by a series of dreams and encouraged by friends, Lynn Hardy began the journey to become an author. She stored her work in a computer file labeled “second job.” Writing began as a passion she could not contain and has become much more than she ever expected.

In the Fall of 2010 Prophecy of the Flame – Book One reached #1 on Amazon kindle, shortly after Book Two in the series released. In the spring of 2011,Lynn released the Full Cast unabridged audio book of Book One. Now both fans and newcomers can hear the book come to life as every character jumps of the page with their own unique voice.

In reality,Lynn is overcome with compassion for families who are suffering through the recession and so she has created Agape Assistance – Shelter for Families One Book at a Time. ( Prophecy of the Flame has now attracted the attention of Hollywood. With 100% of the proceeds from Book One in the series going to Agape Assistance, there is now a full length movie now in the works.

Lynn has attended many science fiction conventions and has had the privilege of serving on panels about writing. Renaissance fairs are another favorite event for the author. Seeing others dressed in costume (as she always is during book signings) makes her feel right at home. Meeting other writers at these conventions and events who are struggling to break into the publishing field has led Lynn to merge Resilient Publishing with Borderline – a unique type of publisher that offers the individual attention to their authors that the big publishing houses give, with the control and increased payouts of self-publishing. As marketing director of Borderline, Lynn is blazing a new path for authors to follow.

The road has been longer and more complicated than she would have ever guessed–not always smooth, but filled with wonderful surprises. Like most stories,Lynn is sure that her journey has only just begun.

Visit her website at

Joining us today is Lynn Hardy, author of Prophecy of the Flame. This is a children’s book geared toward ages 12 and above. Thank you for joining us today, Lynn. Can you please start off by telling us a bit about yourself?

I am a stay-at-home, mother of two. I love horseback riding and scuba diving. 

When did you first get bit by the writing bug?

I began writing in high school. I even majored in Journalism in college, though I didn’t complete my degree. 

Why did you decide to write stories for children?

I didn’t actually intend to write a YA teen novel. I thought I was writing a fantasy book for women who had really enjoyed Harry Potter and were looking for their next fantasy fix. I was quite shocked to hear how much it appealed to teens. 

Do you believe it is harder to write books for a younger audience?

I don’t believe any writing style is harder, just different. I think to write for very young kids, say, between the ages of 6-10 that you need to be very in tune with the way a kid’s mind works. What appeals and is important to kids in stories may be very different than what we, as adults think in important. 

What is your favorite part of writing for young people?

My favorite part about being read by young people is that I get to be a part of someone’s life as they are growing and developing. 

Can you tell us what your latest book is all about?

Prophecy of the Flame is about five strangers that are zapped into a magical world and changed into their gaming characters. One guy gets to be a dwarf, another, turns into an elf. The main character becomes the most powerful sorceress on the planet.

These guys call themselves, the Crusaders of the Light. They blend 20th century magic and sorcery to defend the Kingdom of Cuthburan from some pretty nasty invaders. 

What inspired you to write it?

I had this amazing set of dreams. If you changed the order and filled in the blanks, it made an awesome story. 

Where can readers purchase a copy?

Amazon has it, of course. But I also sell it on my website. If people pick up a copy at and send me an email, I’ll sign it before I send it off. My website has tons of Prophecy Paraphernalia at an online store I created. You can get posters, buttons, even a Fire Ball Ring. If you look real hard, you may find a secrete website that is revealed on the secrete track of the Full Cast Audio Book of Prophecy of the Flame – Book One.

What is up next for you?

Right now I am finishing up the screenplay based on Book One. A producer has stepped forward and we have launched the Prophecy Project to produce the move.

The best part about the Prophecy project is that 100% of the proceeds from this movie will go to helping homeless families whose kids don’t have a warm bed of their own. (All the proceeds from the sale of Book One always to Agape Assistance for this cause.) has lots of great information about the Prophecy Project. 

Do you have anything else to add?

Did I mention that there are voice actors from DragonBall Z, Tekken, and even the guy who plays Iron Man on the cartoon as characters in the audio book?

The only way to get an audio book is by donating to Agape Assistance. The audio book was made for the charity. You can find the audio book at or at 

Thank you for spending time with us today, Lynn. We wish you much success.



The Prophecy Project

No, it not a religious nut job’s agenda or an end of the world group. The Prophecy Project is trying to revolutionize the way we are entertained, specifically with movies. How would you like to go to a movie and know that somewhere, a family who has hit a rough patch, lost their job, and are homeless, will be given a hand up – not a hand out? That a family will be back on its feet and self-sufficient in six months?

The Prophecy Project will produce a full-length fantasy film, like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, based on the Kindle Bestseller, Prophecy of the Flame – Book One.  Lynn Hardy, the author of the book, has dedicated 100% of the proceeds from the first book in her series to a charity that helps homeless families with children. This includes the author proceeds from the movie, too!

Recently,Lynn has heard from a MAJOR DIRECTOR, one who was nominated for an ACADEMY AWARD…Hollywoodis watching the kickstarter event she launched.  If there is support for the Prophecy Project, if the event is a success and shows that thousands of people are waiting for the movie then the big boys will come in with millions to make a fantastic, blockbuster movie!

With that kind of support, the Prophecy Project will launch a quality film. Thousands of families will have a warm bed for their kids, all across the country, with the small percentage the charity gets from a film of this caliper. But we need your help.

What can you do? As little as $1 donated to the Prophecy Project Kickstarter event will tell Hollywood producers that you want this movie to be made. For your donation, you will be emailed a CRUSADER CERTIFICATE from the PROPHECY PROJECT so that the world will know that YOU made this happen, that YOU helped homeless families get a warm bed for their kids.

You can also help by spreading the word. Repost this guest post on your blog or share this blog with your friends. Email friends and family and let them know about this movement that is spreading across America.


Here’s a link to the Kickstarter event:

More info about the Prophecy Project can be found at:

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