Author Spotlight: The Work of Carlton Scott, Author of Glamour Girl from the Stars and other Children’s Books

“After traveling to and fro across outer space’s unknown, PleeDee discovers her world is similar to our own. When little girls live up to their potential wherever they are, they’ll shine brightly with confidence no matter how near or far.”  Out of this world rhyming story about a 3-foot tall alien girl named PleeDee who borrows her father’s flying saucer to visit Earth hoping to enter the Miss Universe Pageant in LA. She visits different cultures around the world realizing she feels good about herself without having to enter pageants. The book intends to teach little girls self-esteem. Illustrations in colored pencil and photos from the author.

About Little Big Wolf 

Adventure story in rhyme, about a young boy named Nathan dreaming about his friendship with a pack of wolves in the Rocky Mountains…Surprise Ending… After his dream. Illustrations in colored pencil and scanned hiking photos from the author.

About Grin’s Message

Grin the Dolphin rhymes and teaches little kids to make friends and it “TICKLES YOUR HEART”. Ollie the octopus and Moo Moo the manatee become his friends and they help each other out of a jam. Illustrations in colored pencil and crayon.

About Carlton Scott

Carlton Scott has over fifteen years’ clinical experience as a traveling nurse (RN) with a specialty in critical care nursing and a focus on children’s health. He has worked with over 1000 children and teens in both mental health counseling and critical care nursing. Inspired by his desire to cheer up sick children, Scott has authored and illustrated three children’s books that teach kids the lessons of friendship, self-acceptance and adventure. As part of his commitment to supporting children’s health, he donates 50 percent of all profits from his books to children’s hospitals across the country. 

Born Dec. 30, 1962, in Jackson, Tennessee, Carlton earned his first college degree in 1985 — a master’s in mental health counseling. While working on his degree, Carlton worked as a lifeguard in Clearwater Florida. “Learning how to keep my cool in an emergency on the beach prepared me for all of the ‘codes’ I would experience later as a critical care nurse,” says Scott.   Two years after getting his degree, Carlton wrote his first children’s book, titled Grin’s Message, “On my days off as a lifeguard, I began swimming with dolphins and had found a secluded place where they gathered. I always thought they had a grin on their face,” says Scott.

Carlton’s love of art began early when, at 8 years old, he won an art contest with a Tampa Bay TV station for a drawing he did from a scene in the movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The prize was a cruise for two to the Bahamas, tickets to the movie and a visit to the TV Station. Scott sold the cruise to his parents for $300 and then eagerly saw the film starring Kirk Douglas.

Scott’s career as a nurse has taken him all over the United States, from Sarasota, Florida, where he worked in psychiatric hospitals with inpatient adults and teens, to the island of Kauai in Hawaii, where he assisted troubled children and teens in a day treatment center. He has helped open a runaway shelter for the YMCA youth and family services in Florida and created an adventure-based counseling and dropout-prevention program for violent teens.

At the age of 33, Carlton was pursuing a second degree in nursing when he had a case of misdiagnosed glaucoma and lost the vision in his left eye. To help deal with the stress of being visually impaired, Scott went hiking in the Rocky Mountains and took off to Southeast Asia for several months, backpacking and venturing through Thailand; Cambodia and Bali, Indonesia to decide what to do with his future.

During this time, he finished his second children’s book, Little Big Wolf, based on drawings taken from his hiking photos. He published both Grin’s Message and Little Big Wolf in hardcover and sold 2000 of each through Barnes & Noble,, craft shows and street fairs. He then returned to Florida and finished his second degree (a bachelor’s degree in nursing) and accepted a job at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, in the Pediatric ICU.

Today, Carlton travels with his wife, Annie (also a nurse), throughout the United States providing critical care services to hospitals from Alaska to Los Angeles. His newest children’s book, Glamour Girl From The Stars, was published in April, 2010.

Scott has dedicated his life to working with children, both as a nurse and mental health worker. He has written and illustrated three picture books for children. As part of his commitment to supporting children’s health, he donates 50 percent of all profits from his books to children’s hospitals across the country. He created his newest book, Glamour Girl from the Stars, to foster self acceptance in young girls.

For more information about this virtual book tour, please visit You can learn more about this author and purchase his books at

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One thought on “Author Spotlight: The Work of Carlton Scott, Author of Glamour Girl from the Stars and other Children’s Books

  1. These look like fun books for kids, while subtly teaching them about themselves as well. The covers are colorful and should attract young readers. Congratulations on your books, Carlton.

    Thanks for the nice post, Cheryl.

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