Mole’s Babies by David Bedford

 Morris the mole is very anxious because he knows his babies are coming soon, but he doesn’t know how to make his babies happy. He watches the other animals around the farm, but he can’t hop like a bunny, flap like a chicken or splash like a duck. How will he make his babies happy?

Spring is such an exciting time for nature. New life is everywhere. In Mole’s Babies by David Bedford, readers find a father nervously trying to prepare for his babies while the mother mole patiently awaits their arrival. Morris is traveling around the farm trying to figure out what he can do to make his babies happy, but he can’t do anything the other animals do that makes their babies happy. What I love most about this sweet story is we see how important a father is to his children and what an important role he plays. Especially when children are little, it’s often the mom who gets the attention, but Bedford puts together a book that celebrates dads instead. I love it!

Rosalind Beardshaw provided the illustrations for Mole’s Babies. These are such adorable pictures. Soft, warm colors fill the pages of this book. Every time Morris tries to mimic what the other animal parents are doing with their babies he ends up getting hurt. Beardshaw captured each of these moments so well. I love how Morris’s eyeglasses always ended up somewhere different. The picture of Morris, Mimi (mother mole), and the babies in bed is my favorite.

This is the perfect book for a father-to-be, but any dad with young ones will love to read this to his kids.

Rating:  🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • Hardcover:32 pages
  • Publisher:Tiger Tales (March 1, 2012)
  • ISBN-10:1589251083
  • ISBN-13: 978-1589251083
  • SRP: $12.95

I received a free hardcover copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I received no monetary compensation of any kind for this review.

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