Interview with Larry Peterson, Author of The Priest and The Peaches

Larry Peterson always wanted to be a writer but his journey followed a convoluted path that found him spending 15 years in the building trades in NYC as a Re-inforcing Iron Worker/Metal Lather having to leave that business when an insidious little demon known as MS attacked him and he more or less turned into a “weeble-wobble” stumbling around and ultimately almost unable to walk at all. That was 30 years ago and (following doctor’s advice) he, his wife Loretta and three kids, moved to Florida to get away from the ice and snow that accompanied northern winters. Once in Florida he began intense physical therapy and also entered college. He graduated in 1984 and began writing newspaper commentary for local publications several years after that. By 1990 he had managed to advance from being supported by Canadian Quad canes to a simple standard cane to no walking aids at all. He even took advantage of his construction experience and began doing home-repair work. Today he is walking like most everyone else although, as he says, it takes a “lot of concentration”.

Larry’s wife Loretta passed away from Melanoma nine years ago and he married a widow, Marty five years ago. Marty spent most of 2011 undergoing chemo treatments for Lymphoma and is now in remission. Larry is also a cancer survivor having had Prostate Cancer and is almost five years “out” from that and doing, as he says, “awesome”. He believes the primary reason for his recovery is, without a doubt, trusting in God to get you where you “need to be”.

Larry began to write seriously about four or five years ago and his first children’s book, “Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes” was published in January of 2011. His first novel . “The Priest and The Peaches” officially launches on January 1, 2012 (HAPPY NEW YEAR). You can find info about Larry and his books at these links or

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in NYC (South Bronx).

When did you begin writing?

I guess I began writing back in grade school doing short short stories (today they call it flash fiction) and things like that. That’s probably where I got the “itch”.

Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?

I was very undisciplined as to my writing habits and needed to take charge of that. Now I am up by 6 a.m and clean up messages and such from the previous evening. Then I go to 7 a.m Mass, return home by 7:40 and get busy with the writing. I do that until around 12:30 or 1 p.m, take a break and then go back to sort out messages and do the necessary social-networking. When working at home it is easy to let distractions get in the way so my discipline is still a work in progress.

What is this book about?

The book is about five kids who have already lost their mom and now, during the Christmas season, lose their dad. They are determined to stay together as a family and their primary guide in this journey is the parish priest who, in his own quiet way, always seems to “have their back”

What inspired you to write it?

It just seemed to me that this was a good time to tell a story about a family of kids who, because of the nurturing of their deceased parents, realize the importance of being a family and are determined to remain so, no matter what.

If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?

I have come to learn that I was where I was when I was there for a reason and when I was there I did my best to always do the right thing. That may sound “shmaltzy” but that’s me.

Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?

Just go to the links,,  or  Also you can go to Amazon or Nook-Book and it is available in all the e-applications.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?

You must be tenacious, be ready to accept criticism and rejection and never give up. No matter who says what.

What is up next for you?

I am working on the sequel to the book and, as of now, I do not have a title I am sure of. My head goes in different directions so I am never sure where it will take me. After that is finished–who knows?

Is there anything you would like to add?

Sure. my favorite quote is “Do your BEST–Let God do the rest.”

The book’s official site is:

Larry Peterson’s blog:

Larry Peterson’s Facebook:!/larrytpbx

Larry Peterson’s Twitter:

Tribute Books website:

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Tribute Books Twitter:

The Priest and the Peaches Book Summary

Historical fiction novel set in the Bronx in the mid-1960s

Take a seven day journey with the five, newly orphaned Peach kids, as they begin their struggle to remain a family while planning their dad’s funeral.

They find an ally in the local parish priest, Father Tim Sullivan, who tries his best to guide them through the strange, unchartered and turbulent waters of “grown-up world.” A story that is sad, funny, and inspiring as it shows how the power of family love and faith can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

ISBN: 978-0-9837418-4-8
ISBN: 978-1-4658-6327-0
Pages: 285
Release: January 1, 2012
Kindle buy link

Nook buy link (coming soon)

iBookstore buy link (coming soon)

Smashwords buy link

PDF buy link

2 thoughts on “Interview with Larry Peterson, Author of The Priest and The Peaches

  1. Cheryl, thanks for hosting Larry today after your fine review of “The Priest and the Peaches” yesterday. It felt like I was in a room with the two of you listening to you talk about writing. It’s always a great thing when two writers get together to talk about the creative process. Lovely interview!

  2. Thanks Nicole. I try to make it sound that way. I would love to get into podcasting one day, but there will be time for that when I don’t have a million other things on my plate.

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