Mrs. Cat-biscuit’s search for the downward land by Chris Wardle

 The residents of Daphne Wood return in this fourth installment of the Mr. Tinfish series, Mrs. Cat-biscuit’s search for the downward land.

The birds and animals have overcome many obstacles as a result of the climate changes. Having moved from their original homes and settling in Daphne Wood, they have created a community that has met the challenges they face.

When an earthquake rocks Daphne Wood, it brings with it greater challenges than they have ever faced before. Can they continue to pull together to adapt to their ever-changing environment?

In Mrs. Cat-biscuit’s search for the downward land by Chris Wardle, old and new characters come alive–quirks and all–through a new story of how climate change impacts the environment.

The birds and animals have faced many challenges so far:  a threat to their homes; establishing a new community; growing crops that can survive the increasingly hot conditions; and how to keep up a respectable fish supply while the ice shelf shifts and thickens.

In this new installment, changes brought on by an earthquake send some residents of Daphne Wood off on two separate expeditions. Readers who have explored the first three books of the Mr. Tinfish series, will fondly remember Mr. Choli, Mr. Ginger, Mr. Vinegar, Daphne, the Tinfish family, and many others. New characters are met along the way, and it is going to take everyone to overcome this latest challenge.

Having five cats, I’ve always loved Mr. Choli and Mr. Ginger: their love of food, their love of naps, and their hatred of water. While assigning human characteristics to these characters, Wardle also manages to get them to act very much like the birds and animals they are.

What Wardle has done well in this book is continue the spirit of cooperation and problem-solving that began with the first book in the series.  In addition, his passion in creating these quirky characters is evident. Between his possible sightings of pirates and sea monsters, I’m surprised Mr. Taverre the parrot hasn’t fainted dead away.

Finding books that educate and entertain can be difficult. Wardle has managed to create four books that do just that. Mrs. Cat-biscuit’s search for the downward land, like the other books in the Mr. Tinfish series, helps young people realize the impact climate changes have on our environment while making them laugh from time to time.

Come back tomorrow for my review of Mr. Ginger and the Disappearing Fish.

Rating:  🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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7 thoughts on “Mrs. Cat-biscuit’s search for the downward land by Chris Wardle

  1. Pingback: The Mr. Tinfish Series by Chris Wardle « TC&TBC

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