Life & Writing Update

How did almost an entire month pass without me posting here? Well, honestly, the delayed spring real estate market has kept me hopping. I’ve also had several editing projects. Other than that, we’ve been attending events with our daughters, brought one of them home from college, are planning a wedding for the other daughter, and life threw us an unexpected curve ball last week that we are dealing with.

I’ve written a query letter for the seasonal romance I polished up after NaNoWriMo. While we are in North Carolina, I will put some fresh eyes on it to see how I feel about it. Then querying should begin.

The latest news on my fifth picture book, Clever Tom, isn’t good. We are pending an artist, and it looks like that might take a while. Meanwhile, my middle grade historical sits at 23 chapters. I haven’t touched it since January. Focus has been on the seasonal romance, which I totally love.

Hope everyone is doing well. Have you written or read anything interesting that you wish to share?

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